
Showing posts from October, 2022

Weak password

  Weak password Weak passwords  always play a major role in any hack. For the ease of user, sometime applications do not enforce password complexity and as a result of that users use simple passwords such as password, password123, Password@123, 12345, god, own mobile number etc. Weak password does not always mean length and the characters used, it also means the guessability. Name@12345, it looks quite  complex password  but can be guessable. So do not use password related to name, place, or mobile number. Weak passwords can be guessable or attacker can bruteforce if the length of the password is very small, so try to use random strings with special characters. Though that can be hard to remember as a security point of view it’s quite secure. what can happen if your password is weak video 3 ways

What makes a password strong?

What makes a password strong? Password strength is directly related to how much computing power is required to crack the password. Security experts recommend that users create long, complex passwords to exponentially increase the time it takes to crack. Here are some concrete steps you can take to improve the security of your passwords: The longer the password, the better   – Experts recommend creating passwords that contain a minimum of 8 characters. If your password protects something sensitive, like access to your bank account, then use a minimum of 12 characters. Use everything available on your keyboard  – Numbers, upper and lower case letters, and symbols all help to exponentially increase the strength of your password. Throw away dictionary words  – You should never use common words or names within passwords. This rule can be extended one step further for those passwords protecting highly sensitive data to include compounds of multiple words. “IloveLabraDorReTrieve...

Examples of a Strong Password

  Examples of a Strong Password Weak Password Better Password Strong Password kitty 1Kitty 1Ki77y susan Susan53 .Susan53 jellyfish jelly22fish jelly22fi$h smellycat sm3llycat $m3llycat allblacks a11Blacks a11Black$ usher !usher !ush3r ebay44 ebay.44 &ebay.44 deltagamma deltagamm@ d3ltagamm@ ilovemypiano !LoveMyPiano !Lov3MyPiano Sterling SterlingGmal2015 SterlingGmail20.15 BankLogin BankLogin13 BankLogin!3 what is the strong password Strong password

What’s in a Strong Password?

  What’s in a Strong Password? To be able to create strong passwords that will keep your information safe, you need to know what components are important to a strong password. The strongest passwords are long phrases that are very complex and, thus, difficult to crack. A password that is easy to guess or figure out just by knowing someone is not a good password, but people commonly choose these types of passwords. When you want to create a strong password, how to make a strong password strong password \